A long overdue food journal |||

Ristorante Da Cesarina

Our second trip to Bologna meant trying to fit in as many meals as possible. Honestly, Bologna has so much good food that you could pop in anywhere and have a great meal. Having said that, Ristorante Da Cesarina is a place we went to twice on this trip as they seemed to have mastered the perfect Tortellini in meat broth. I ate this dish at every restaurant I went to because it’s the local dish and it’s something I will aim to find in London. Spoiler, I have and that will be reviewed in due course. Traditional bolognese, artichoke salad with local Parmesan and you have a meal that is divine from start to finish. Go to Bologna, honestly, and if you do, be sure to park yourself at places like Tamburini and eat all the cured meats with local red wines. Walk don’t run.

Price per head: £25 with a glass of wine


Tortellini in meat brothTortellini in meat broth

Artichoke saladArtichoke salad

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