A long overdue food journal |||


Flippers was our day 1 activity after a night of sleep. It was a short trek into Shibuya but we were not prepared for the queues! It seems the Japanese don’t do breakfast that often so they are far and few between. I’ll be honest, I don’t think anything is worth queueing an hour for, but these pancakes were so damn fluffy, the whipped cream, so light and delightful; that it outraged me how good these pancakes are. With their special hand picked eggs, these pancakes jiggle with joy. That is a literal statement, these pancakes move with fluffiness. Fight the crowds, walk don’t run.

Price per head: £15 per head

Pancakes with fresh cream and strawberriesPancakes with fresh cream and strawberries

Up next YAKINIKU LIKE!! Sushi Masashi
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