A long overdue food journal |||

Restaurant St.Barts

I’ve been meaning to try Restaurant St.Barts for a while since one of my buddies told me I HAD to. I’m glad I did because this was a very unique dining experience given it’s a British focussed menu, but one of our courses was sashimi with UK bred wasabi. I mean we even had a U.K inspired ramen where the noodles were squid! The meal started in their bar area with some delightful snacks, like a Welsh Wagyu bun. This is a really exciting place but I do think they are still figuring out their identity with their menu choices and the story they are trying to tell.

Now a final point on service, I’m a firm believer in never judging a book by its cover, or the simple fact that anyone can have a bad day. With that in mind, one of our servers had a genuine aura of indifference about the food she was presenting. It felt clinical and unlike other places I have visited recently, lacked the passion and excitement of a fine dining establishment. Given the location, I’m sure I’ll be able to take clients here and give it a second chance.

Price per head: £210 with a glass of UK Sparkling

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