A long overdue food journal |||


When my buddy CK told me that the place we were going to was created by 3 ex Noma people, I was very excited. Nudo blew me away, it may have been the perfect weather by the ocean, the great company, but I’d like to think it was the eclectic menu that surprised and delighted. We literally spent 5 hours just chilling by the water, drinking wine, and eating pretty much the entire menu. An Ibiza trip full of highlights, for me this is THE moment I’ll look back on fondly. Walk don’t run

Price per head: £80 per head with some wine

Donut Ice cream sandwich, Raspberry miso and saffronDonut Ice cream sandwich, Raspberry miso and saffron

Raw Mediterranean TunaRaw Mediterranean Tuna

Fried fish tacosFried fish tacos


Grilled GaroupaGrilled Garoupa

Lobster pastaLobster pasta


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