A long overdue food journal |||

Sushi Masashi

Sushi Masashi was the birthday celebration lunch while in Tokyo, I’ve had the good fortune to celebrate a birthday in Tokyo before, but with a jam packed schedule up and down the country we only had a few days in Tokyo. I won’t bore you with descriptions, I figure the Michelin video does a great job of showcasing the man behind the sushi. I will say though, that if you are at one of these small dining spaces, to watch how your voice carries as a small group of tourists next to us were chatting so loudly, I wanted to rumble in the restaurant. In any event, from steamed abalone in its liver sauce, to hairy crab with caviar. This place did everything with a slight twist, the various cuts of Tuna were a highlight and we certainly left feeling quite full but not overwhelmed. Paired with a LARGE bottle of Sake, I was floating on air and alcohol by the time we went into Nihombashi Mitsukoshi for some shopping. As days go, this is as perfect as they come.

Price per head: £280 with a large bottle of Sake!

Abalone in liver sauceAbalone in liver sauce


Handroll heavenHandroll heaven

Roe and wasabiRoe and wasabi



Up next Flippers Monk
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