A long overdue food journal |||


I’ve wanted to try this place since my brother sent me a few articles about Cynthia Shanmugalingam. Rambutan is her debut restaurant and what a place in the heart of Borough Market. This is Sri Lankan cooking at its finest. They do not skimp on the heat here so be warned, we started with the Gunda Dosa and Watermelon Acharu. Things went off when the Hot buttered Calamari arrived, a large amount of water was consumed during this point in the meal. This is the type of dish my mom would have loved to try, she was always one for a bit of heat. I also know where I’ll take my family when they come to visit next!

We opted for the Black pepper pork curry, aubergine moju, and Dal. The roti was a good portion and was the perfect vehicle to mop up the deliciousness. The pork was super tender, not too spicy and a bit sweet. The aubergine was smoky and came garnished with fresh diced green chilli, and the Dal was creamy and exactly what we needed to fan those flames from earlier. It’s a fast paced restaurant as we were in and out in an hour. My only thought as the meal ended was Damn, I wish we came with a large group of people too try more dishes”

Price per head: £40 with a drink

Gunda DosaGunda Dosa

Calamari and WatermelonCalamari and Watermelon

Black pepper pork curryBlack pepper pork curry

Up next Berenjak Soho Kolamba
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