A long overdue food journal |||


I’ve been on the hunt for an exceptional seafood focused restaurant in London and Orasay has answered the call. Tucked away in Notting Hill, this restaurant focuses on fish and seafood inspired by the cooking of the Western Isles.

I’ll get right to the point, not a single dish we had missed the mark. My only complaint was that my eyes were bigger than my stomach, and we definitely pushed the boundaries of what we could eat.

You should definitely start your meal with the Cooley oyster, prepared with smoked orange and sea wrack it’s unlike any oyster I’ve had before. The raw gurnard with celeriac and pickled kohlrabi is immense, this is a must order! The grilled potato bread with whipped cod roe is delicious, but damn is it ever rich! I could go on and on, but I’d not be doing this place justice. Go, go now! RIGHT NOW!!!!

Go with friends, try as many dishes as possible and thank me later.

Price per head: £85 with drinks

Grilled Potato breadGrilled Potato bread

Cooley OysterCooley Oyster

Wild Mushroom AranciniWild Mushroom Arancini

Raw Gurnard with celeriacRaw Gurnard with celeriac

Wood fried prawnsWood fried prawns

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