A long overdue food journal |||

Ministry of Crab

As the only restaurant on the Asia top 50, and highly recommended by my cousin. I knew I had to try this while in Colombo. Outside the delicious food, a major highlight was the fact when we arrived and spoke to the host, I gave my full name and without any hesitation or confusion they found my reso and seated us. No need to painfully spell or repeat my name! Ministry of Crab is worth a detour as it’s in the Old Dutch hospital which in of itself is worth a wander.

This place does a ton of stuff, but seriously you wanna just get a bunch of crab prepared in a number of ways. The Ebi done over charcoal was also a standout, as well as the seer teriyaki. Slap on a bib, grab a drink and stuff your face. You will not leave here disappointed I assure you.

Price per head: £20 a head with a drink

Pepper CrabPepper Crab

Seer TeriyakiSeer Teriyaki

Black Tiger prawnsBlack Tiger prawns

Up next Brawn Chet’s
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