A long overdue food journal |||

Le Relais de Venise

I’ve been eating at Le Relais de Venise for over 10 years since I started working in the City. This place is a god damn institution. Some of my most memorable team meetings and lunches have been at this spot. All you need to do when you sit down is decide how you want your steak prepared, there is no combination, it’s either rare or medium. Don’t be an ass and ask for something in the middle, just make a choice. The secret sauce here is literally, the secret house sauce that if I could inject into my blood stream I would. It’s a quick city lunch that you’ll be richer for in both experience and cholesterol. Run, don’t walk

Price per head: £30

Steak with fritesSteak with frites

Up next The Barbary next door Le Bab
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