A long overdue food journal |||

Humble Chicken

It seems fitting that one of the last meals of 2023 was at Humble Chicken, my love affair with Japan is well known and this is a serious bit of Omakase in Soho. As I plan out my 2024 trip to Tokyo, this is just another reminder of how diverse, delicious, and downright surprising Japanese cuisine can be. I’ve written about a few places where it seems pointless for me to describe the food, and this is no different. With an Omakase menu with no substitutions, just sit back and let Chef Sato do his thing. The sommelier and staff are incredibly generous with their time and make the whole dining experience exactly what it should be, an experience. I opened for the humble pairing which meant a mixture of sake and wine. Props to the sommelier for offering Muri, as it’s the best champagne alternative on the market. As well as a Lemongrass drink that originated from Sri Lanka! I mean, this place really is something special and long may it continue to delight us in London. Run..there..now!

Price per head: £250 with pairing

This little piggyThis little piggy

Chicken NanbanChicken Nanban

Mussel, Kosho Ponzu, avocadoMussel, Kosho Ponzu, avocado

Up next Fatt Pundit Palmyrah Restaurant
Latest posts Le Bab Le Relais de Venise The Barbary next door Stud!o ILUKA The Pearly Queen Taku Jikoni Chet’s Ministry of Crab Brawn The Gallery Cafe Palmyrah Restaurant Humble Chicken Fatt Pundit Speedboat Bar A.Wong The Barbary Frenchie Orasay Narisawa The X Pot Claude Bosi at Bibendum Hélène Darroze at The Connaught Osteria Francescana Endo at Rotunda La Dame de Pic Landeau Chocolate Lyon’s Seafood Restaurant & Wine Bar Quilon San Ho Wan