A long overdue food journal |||


Florige is another exceptional spot in Tokyo, currently ranked in the World’s top 50 and with two Michelin stars, it’s certainly a spot worth taking a detour for. With my older brother in tow, we decided to spend a few hours at lunch watching some expertly crafted and in some cases very unusual delicious set before us. I’ll start by saying their was no cocktail list, the staff just asked what we liked and they would surprise us. I opted for a Yuzu soda where they made the Yuzu liqueur in house, my brother opted for a bourbon based cocktail. Both were excellent, I’ll say that Yuzu has featured in a lot of my dining in Tokyo and long may that continue.

The shorter tasting menu is good value over lunch. I’ve had a number of fine dining experiences over the years, but as my brother astutely pointed out, this meal was one of the only ones I can remember where the kitchen staff prepared the entire meal in near silence. Yes, the wait staff would come by and explain the dishes, but those cooking the dishes would do so together in near silence from what we could see. It made the whole meal that much more unusual and in many ways incredible. Beautiful food, eclectic menu, experts in their field. This is a place worth detouring for, you’d be excused if you had trouble finding it being in a lower basement setting, but my god, what a setting!

Price per head: £100 with drinks


Prawn, and I mean 100% of the prawn used!Prawn, and I mean 100% of the prawn used!


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