A long overdue food journal |||

Canton Arms

I get asked a lot, where is the best place to go for a Sunday Roast? This just isn’t possible to answer, I have a few favourites like The Bull and Last” near Hampstead, The Princess of Shoreditch” in, you guessed it Shoreditch! And Berners Tavern” in Fitzrovia. However! If you are looking for a mammoth lamb roast that should be shared by 5 to 6 people, look no further than Canton Arms near Stockwell/Oval. Officially titled the Salt Marsh lamb shoulder, this is an all encompassing meal as it generally comes with potato and olive oil gratin, plus some greens to obviously keep this a healthy. I’ll keep this short as the attention must be kept on the lamb, you will barely require the use of a knife as the lamb is so tender and soft that you can simply scrape it off and eat by the mouthful. Just make sure your other guests aren’t disgusted by such behaviour. This roast goes fast, so the best thing to do is call for a reservation and then pre order the lamb or you risk missing out. Affordable lager and ale on tap (Damn you BarShu!!!), and you have the recipe for a very enjoyable afternoon.

Price per head: £25-35 with a drink

Lamb ShoulderLamb Shoulder Potato GratinPotato Gratin

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