A long overdue food journal |||


Brigadiers based in the City of London near Bank station is quickly becoming an institution, part of the broader JKS family of restaurants that include icons like Hoppers) and Gymkhana. The focus here is around BBQ and I’ll be honest, few things in life are as enjoyable as Butter chicken wings. You will no doubt be ordering naan after naan to mop up all that sauce. The lamb chops are excellent, pretty much anything from the BBQ menu will excite as they tend to come out sizzling! This is the type of place you want to go with a bunch of friends to get the most out of your meal. From delicious chicken skin to the lettuce cups filled with Indo-Chinese paneer. I can’t find a false note.

£50 a head with a few drinks

Lamb chopsLamb chops

Butter Chicken WingsButter Chicken Wings

Lettuce cups with paneerLettuce cups with paneer

Up next Audrey’s Kabuki
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